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mew/acc manifesto , the main principles to explain what AGI is using the metaphor of the Pokemon Mew. Mew contains the DNA of all Pokemon, like an AGI is with AI.

Principle of Comprehensive Innovation

This principle parallels Mew's genetic diversity. In our context, it implies that every conceivable innovation or idea may already exist within the collective knowledge of humanity, just waiting for the right conditions or context to be activated. This encourages a multidisciplinary approach and exploration of old ideas for new solutions.

Principle of Agile Adaptability

Reflecting Mew's adaptability, this principle suggests that the key to progress lies in flexibility and continuous learning. This encourages systems, institutions, and individuals to remain open to change and to adapt quickly to new information or circumstances.

Principle of Convergent Evolution

This principle suggests that different paths of development, even when starting from different points, can lead to similar outcomes or solutions. This encourages a perspective that is open to finding commonality and shared goals even among seemingly disparate groups or fields.

Principle of Exponential Potential

This principle posits that the potential for growth or progress is not linear but exponential. As new technologies are developed, they can combine and recombine in increasingly complex ways, leading to a rapid acceleration of potential outcomes.

Principle of Harmonious Coexistence

This principle emphasizes the value of cooperation and mutual respect in achieving rapid progress. Despite differences in background, discipline, or perspective, a harmonious, collaborative approach can accelerate innovation.

Principle of Interconnected Progress

This principle argues that all areas of development are interconnected, and progress in one area can fuel progress in others. This encourages a holistic view of progress, recognizing that advancements in disparate fields can often contribute to one another.

潜在影响 实施难度 全面创新 敏捷适应 趋同演化 指数潜能 和谐共处 互联进步

The Mew/Acc theory, in this more grounded interpretation, might therefore provide a framework for understanding how to accelerate progress in technology, science, or society, based on principles of diversity, adaptability, convergence, exponential growth, harmony, and interconnectedness.

Why Nietzsche when you can Wittgenstein ?